2 0世纪 90年代末以来 ,韩国女青少年中出现了一种名为“援助交际”的新型性偏差行为。“援助交际” ,本质上就是卖淫 ,但之所以会被称为援助交际 ,是因为“讲面子”的文化。它产于日本 ,能够在韩国蔓延 ,是因为男性中心、消费主义和商业化地看待女性身体的文化为其提供了社会文化基础。
Since the late 90s in the 20th century, 'helping communication', a new type of deviated sexual behavior, has emerged in some Korean female teens. The so-called 'helping communication' is in nature equal to prostitution. A 'face' culture has led to the change of its name. The reason why such a phenomenon can spread in Korea from its Japanese source, can be found in the social culture prevailed with a mood of male centrality, fashionable consuming, and a commercialized vision of female body.
Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences