我国行政效率较低 ,主要表现为政府机关庞大 ,职能交叉 ,机构重叠 ,人员太多 ,有职无责 ,相互推诿、扯皮 ,工作程序繁琐和文山会海等。必须通过改革机制 ,健全法律制度 ,引入市场模式 ,强化行政制衡 ,实行绩效评估和激励制度以及建立电子政府等办法方能解决。
A variety of phenomena as follows have enough explained the low efficiency for the Chinese administration: a huge scale of official organizations, a cross functioning mechanism, a overlapping structure of offices, an excessive personnel system, a tedious working procedure, a reciprocal shift of responsibility, a position without liability, an ocean of meetings and documents, and so on. Could these problems be resolved only if by means of such measures: reforming the mechanism, amplifying laws and regulations, introducing market model, strengthening the restriction over the administration, enforcing a system of assessing officials' political performance and giving them incentives, and setting up an electronic government among other things.
Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences