为全面推进素质教育 ,教育部颁发了新的语文教学大纲 ,人民教育出版社据此对原语文教材进行了修订。新教材体现了知识与科学性、思想道德与文化内涵、认知与心理规律相结合的特点 ,但忽视写法指导 。
For all round promotion of quality education, our Ministry of Education promulgated the new syllabus of the course of Chinese. In accordance with it, the People's Education Publishing House made revision on the original textbooks of Chinese lessons. The new textbook reflects the characteristics of the combination of knowledge with sientificity, ideological morality with cultural connotation, and cognition with laws of psychology. However, the revised edition does not pay enough attention to the instruction of writing. In the revised book the practical applocation of language regrettably seems too simple.
Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)