教育部公布的最新制定的九年义务教育全日制中学和小学音乐教学大纲 (修订稿 ) ,在教学目的和教学内容方面突出了教育改革 ,转变观念 ,体现素质教育的要求。在中小学的音乐教学中应用计算机音乐系统 。
On teaching purpose and contents,emphasis is laid on education reform and changing ideas so as to stress quality education.This is underlined in the New Music Teaching Program(revised),published by the Ministry Of Education,for full time primary and middle schools that carry out nine year compulsory education.The use of computer music system in teaching music in primary and middle schools can achieve unexpected good results in heightening students' musical quality.
Journal of Jimei University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
福建省教委资助项目 (JA990 91S)