我国现阶段正处在社会转型时期 ,贫富分化已成为社会现实。这种分化带有明显的社会转型的特点 :分化的速度快、多样性、体制性、越轨性 ;这些特点是与党的富民政策及转型期的市场机制、法律法规、税收调控等不健全以及生产力水平低、发展不平衡等因素相关联的 ;为防止贫富两极分化 ,把贫富差距控制在有利于社会发展的范围内 ,必须继续深化改革 ,提高国民经济总水平 ,加强法律监督 ,规范市场、改革税收制度及建立健全社会保障制度 。
Our country is in society transforming period, and the polarity between rich and poor has already become social reality, which has outstanding characteristics of society transforming period, that is ,high-speed, diversity ,systematization and transgression , and the characteristics are concerned with the defects in party policy , market mechanism , laws & regulations and the low levels of productive forces. In order to control the polarity between rich and poor to push the society development, the countermeasures are carrived out, namely, deepening political reformation, strengthening law supervision, norming market , reforming tax system , perfecting social security system and bringing up intermediate strata .
Journal of Xiangfan University
湖北省教育厅社会科学研究"十五"规划重点项目 (2 0 0 1Z0 79)