行政确认判决作为司法裁判行政案件的一种形式 ,在最新《司法解释》中得以确立。但其中诸多规定既缺乏合理性 ,又有悖于司法审判的一些基本原则。完善确认判决有两个重要方面 :一是构建类型化的确认诉讼 ,根本规范确认判决制度 ,一是完善现有司法解释中关于确认判决的规定。这些途径可促进行政审判公正。
The judgement of administrative confirmation as a form of judging administrative case has been established in the latest explainnation of judgement; nevertheless many rules in the judgement system not only have questiones of rationality ,but also go against some basic principles of judgement .Through analysing the relatived questiones ,this article puts forward two important ideas to perfect the judgement of confirmation : the one is to build a type of confirmation lawsuit to regulate confirmative judgement basically;The other is to perfect the rules of current explainnation of judgement about judgement of confirmation.The measures help to realise the goal of justice and efficiency of administrative judgement .
Journal of Xiangfan University