写作学界将“白描”与“细描”对举有失妥当 ,“白描”与“细描”两术语既有区别 ,又有联系和交叉。二者的区别在于 :细描一定要细 ,白描则可粗可细 ;白描要质朴无华 ,不大事渲染 ,细描则可质朴 ,可华丽 ,崇尚大事渲染。二者的联系和统一在于 :不事渲染的细描与描写细腻的白描是一回事 ,分别叫做白描工笔或工笔白描。通常情况下 。
It is held in many writing textbooks that sketches and detailed descriptions are complementary in nature But the paper holds that the relationship between the two terms is more complex On one hand, they are different in that detailed descriptions must be detailed while sketches can be detailed or not detailed, on the other hand, the two may merge into one when sketches are given enough details or when detailed descriptions fail to have sufficient details The two phenomena are called detailed sketches and sketchy detailed descriptions respectively
Journal of Xiangfan University