本文主要介绍对上海地区环境氡水平调查的方法及其结果。各类建筑物室内氡浓度 (Bq/ m3 )的调查结果为 :市区 37间新式公房、32间旧式里弄房和 19间郊区房的均值 (范围 )分别是 10 .5 (1.5 3~2 9.8)、5 .4 5 (0 .4 3~ 13.1)和 8.6 (2 .2 6~ 30 .8) ;19个地下室和 16个地铁车站的均值 (范围 )分别是 5 5(7.6 6~ 185 )和 16 .8(<3.7~ 88.8)。市区 8处和郊区 18处室外氡浓度的均值 (范围 )分别是 4 .78(0 .6 9~ 2 1.6 )和 6 .12 (1.87~ 12 .3)。还测量了室内外氡浓度的日变化。
The methods applied in the investigation of radon in air of Shanghai and its results are described in the paper. Radon concentrations are as follows: the mean (range) (Bq/m 3) is 10.5(1.53~29.8) from 37 new houses in town, 5.45(0.43~13.1) from 32 old houses in town and 8.6(2.26~30.8) from 19 houses in suburb respectively, while 55(7.66~185) and 16.8(<3.7~88.8) from 19 basements and 16 metro stations. Also, outdoor radon concentrations are measured at 8 sites in town and 18 sites in suburb, with the mean(range) (Bq/m 3) 4.78(0.69~21.6) and 6.12(1.87~12.3), respectively. In addition, daily and yearly variation of radon concentration are measured both indoors and outdoors, as well as its daughters′ potential energy. (
Radiation Protection