黄土高原气候干旱少雨 ,粮食产量低下 ,其原因不仅仅是天然降水不足 ,更主要的是 ( 1 )土质疏松 ,水土流失严重 ;( 2 )蒸发强烈 ,土壤深层蓄水有限 ;( 3)作物水分利用效率低。基于国内有关专家学者的研究和鹿马岔流域治理经验 ,目前提高雨水利用率的有效技术主要有 :1 .改造坡地小地形 ,最大限度地拦蓄降水 ;2 .调整农业用地结构 ,增加林草植被和其它形式的覆盖 ,减少地面蒸发 ,提高雨水利用效率 ;3.合理耕作 ,提高土地渗水保水能力 ;4.修筑蓄水窑窖 ,应用滴灌、渗灌技术发展庭院经济 。
The Loess Plateau is located on the inland area of China where climate is dry and annual precipitation is less and concentrates in July, August and September. Because of loose soil there is a serious problem about soil erosion in the plateau . Now it has become a factor to prevent improvement of ecological environment and development of industry and agriculture. Based on the experience of regulating small basin at Lumacha , some efficient techniques were suggested as follow so as to gather rainwater and to keep soil:(1) to improve topography of slopes to collect rainwater ;(2) to adjust producing structure and increase the cover of plants to increase using rate of rainwater; (3) to improve the characters of soil keeping water by means of reasonable reforming crops patterns ; and (4) to use rainwater storage well and new irrigation technology such as drip irrigation to set up high efficient system of storage rainfall .
Journal of Gansu Forestry Science and Technology