本文首先提出无光农业的概念。随着农业生产内容的扩展,一小部分动植物在没有光照的情况 下仍可正常生长,完成部分或整个农业生产过程。无光农业不仅拓宽了农业生产领域,而且也扩大了人 们的思维空间。又述及无光农业的分类、特点和作用,进而指明无光农业的发展前景,从无光农业的“星 火”中可以看到农业的新天地。
This article firstly brings forword the concept of the non-light agriculture with the extention of the agriculture production, a few part of the onimals and vegetables can live without light and can complete port or all the agriculture production process. The non-light agriculture not only extends the agriculture production but aslo extends the human磗 thinking. At the same time, this article relates the non-light agriculture磗 species peculiority and effect, and points out the future of the non-light agriculture. We can see the new look of the agriculture by the non-light agriculture.
Agriculture and Technology