以新农村建设的实施主体和动力机制为切入点进行了相关研究。认为新农村建设的实施主体只能是政府,原因在于:缩小日益扩大的城乡差距要求政府发挥关键作用;从政府的责任看,新农村建设离不开政府的推动;实现现代化要求政府必须成为新农村建设的实施主体;新农村建设的内涵决定了政府必须发挥实施主体作用; 新农村建设的复杂性要求政府发挥实施主体的作用。探讨了政府在新农村建设中的动力机制,这一机制是指在新农村建设过程中,政府能够推进新农村建设进程的各种力量及其之间的相互关系。介绍了目前新农村建设中存在的一些问题:在中央层面,缺乏对新农村建设的规划、投资过少;在地方层面,政府行为不能符合公共利益;中央和地方关系缺乏制度化构建,执行效率低、效果差。分析了产生这些问题的根本原因——政府公共性的缺失:一是政府的自利性,使得政府偏离公共性的目标;二是政府受强势群体的支配,使弱势群体的利益难以得到保障。基于此,提出建立对政府官员的激励 - 约束机制,充分利用政府的自利性,建立科学有效的政绩考核体系与机制,规范政府行为,并实施政府公共权力的广泛社会化监督。
The necessity of taking government as the implementing subject in the construction of new countryside was analyzed from the aspects such as narrowing urban-rural gap, government's responsibility, connotation and complexity of new countryside construction. Dynamic mechanism of government in the construction of new countryside was discussed, and some problems were introduced. The basic reason of these problems was the deficiency of government's publicity. Firstly, self-interest of government led to the deviation of public target. Secondly, government was controlled by superior groups, thus benefits of vulnerable groups can't be ensured. On this basis, establishing an incentive and constraint mechanism for government officers was put forward. It was essential to make full play of government's self-interest, establish a scientific system and mechanism for assessing political achievements, regulate government's behaviors and implement extensive socialization supervision of public rights.
New countryside construction
Implementing subject
Dynamic mechanism