
杨凌农业高新产业示范区基础设施融资现状分析及应用PPP模式探讨(英文) 被引量:6

Analysis on Financing Status of Infrastructure in Agricultural High-tech Demonstration Zone of Yangling City and Application of PPP Mode
摘要 首先对中国杨凌示范区基础设施融资现状进行了分析。目前杨凌示范区城市市政公用设施融资模式主要分为财政融资模式、负债融资模式、企业积累模式、经营资源模式、外商直接投资和民营资本融资模式5种,投资主体单一,融资渠道狭窄。另外,由于建设资金主要是通过财政投资和银行贷款方式取得,政企不分、垄断经营的现象仍然比较严重,资金使用效率低下,因此提出了以公共部门与私人企业合伙融资为基础的PPP模式,其中分别阐述了PPP模式的含义,模式的流程、实质,有效应用及所面临的风险。最后探讨了PPP模式在杨凌示范区的筹资应用。由于享受国家级高新技术产业开发区的各项优惠政策和国家对农业产业的倾斜扶持政策,不仅可以获得相对稳定的市场份额和较高的投资回报,而且可以充分发挥私人投资主体的积极性,提高项目的管理水平和服务质量,从各方面帮助政府满足社会公众对于基础设施的需求。但政府在引入PPP模式时也应注意到,应当建立良好的政府与私营部门的伙伴关系,积极进行实践,扩大应用范围,加快应用速度。另外,PPP模式投融资的运营模式以及在招标设计和建筑施工全过程积累的经验,将对杨凌示范区及其他地区的基础设施建设起到极其重要的借鉴作用。 Financing mode of municipal public utilities in agricultural High-tech Demonstration Zone of Yangling City was mainly divided into five kinds, including financial financing mode, debt financing mode, enterprise accumulation mode, business resources mode, foreign direct investment and private capital financing mode. Due to the single investment subject, narrow financing channel, monopoly management and ineffectiveness of capital utilization in infrastructure financing, PPP mode based on the co-operative financing of public sector and private enterprises was put forward. The financing applications of PPP mode in Yangling Demonstration Zone were discussed either. However, attentions should be paid to establish a benign partnership between government and private sector, and practice positively in the introduction of PPP. The operation mode of PPP mode as well as experience accumulated in bidding design and building construction could play a referential role in the infrastructure construction of Yangling Demonstration Zone and other regions.
作者 吕建灵 葛超
出处 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2009年第6期34-37,43,共5页 亚洲农业研究(英文)
关键词 基础设施 PPP模式 杨凌示范区 Infrastructure PPP mode Yangling Demonstration Zone China
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