
美国森林的水文效应 被引量:10

Forest Service and Water Supply in the United States
摘要 详尽综述了美国森林在涵养水源、改良水质和保障人民健康方面的作用和贡献 ,集中分析了国有林在水供给方面所扮演的重要角色——包括数量、质量。 This paper introduces mainly the role and contribution of USA's forests in water supply,and also answers the primary reasons of establishing the national forests being for maintaining and restoring watersheds.Healthy forests are vital to clean water,improving the water quality,controlling water quantity and people's health.It is estimated that the marginal value of water from all national forest lands to equal at least $3.7 billion per year.
作者 卢琦 李清河
出处 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期54-60,共7页 World Forestry Research
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