本文对一种带有电子反射镜的溅射系统的放电特性进行了研究.并对几种不同形状的电子反射镜进行了研究比较。从中看到,圆筒形反射镜中心部分对电子的反射能力较弱,电子和离子容易逃离放电空间而影响等离子体的密度,并造成靶面刻蚀不均匀;同心圆筒型反射镜提高了中心部分反射电子的能力,明显提高了等离子体的密度,并使靶面刻蚀情况得到了改善;栅网型与盘香型反射镜都对电子有较强的反射能力,并能获得较高密度的等离子体;靶面刻蚀均匀。是比较理想的电子反射镜。由靶到电子反射镜之间的距离与靶的直径之比为1:1时,可以获得较高的放电电流。距离过大或过小都对放电不利。另外,磁场强对放电有很大影响,磁场强度的减弱会造成放电电流急剧下降。 由于此系统的磁力线与靶面垂直,所以对磁性材料与非磁性材料都能溅射。
The characteristics of glow discharge in a sputtering system with an cylindrical mirror,the effect of electron reflection near the axis is poor. Electrons and ions can be easily escaped from the discharge space.So the density and homogeneity of the plasma are infleunced. The erosion of the target is inhomogeneous too. In the concentric oriole mirror, the reflection near the centre is highly enhanced. The density of plasma is increased remarkably. The homogeneity of plasma is impoved too by using spiral or grid pattern reflecting mirror, in either system, higher density plasma has been obtained in the discharge space. The erosion of target is homogeneous, and higher sputtering rate has been achieved .Comparatively, it seems to be an ideal reflecting mirror for the system.