由该方法制造的带自补偿热偶真空规管已申请中国专利 国产热偶规管是我国目前应用最普遍的粗低真空测控传感器。国产热偶规管的对热稳定性与美国DV系列热堆规管相比存在着明显差距,其原因就在于规管中的热端接点和冷端接点的热学特性不一致。国产规管中冷端接点的热惯性比热端接点大得多,从而使冷端接点的温度响应比热接点慢得多。本文提出的改进方法能将国产规管冷端的热惯性降低到与热端接点相当的程度。采用本方法不仅能提高国产热偶规管的热稳定性,而且还不需要对原来所配的真空计作任何改动,故极易推广普及。 并在文末附录部分对“环境热辐射与安装方位对热偶规的影响”一文(《真空1990(1)51~54)的理论推导和结论提出质疑。
The native thermocouple gauge tubes are in the most common used transducers for the gross and low vacuum measure and control in our country. There is an obyious difference in the heat stability between the native thermocouple gauge tubes and the U. S. DV-series thermopile gauge tubes which originates from the different thermal behaviour between the hot junction and the cold junction in the gauge tube. The thermal inertia of cold junctions is rather greater than that of the hot junction in the native gauge tube, the temperature response of the cold junctions is rather slower than that of the hot junction. In this paper the improving method for the native thermocouple gauge tubes is given to reduce the thermal inertia of the cold junction to the same degree as the hot junction. Realizing this method will not only improve the heat stability of the native thermocouple gauge tubes but also can use the same vacuum gauges as usual without any change. The later feature of the improving method could ensure the improved native vacuum gauge tubes find wide use very soon.