本文介绍了自行开发的解决Disector应用问题的计算机图像处理软件系统及关键技术、算法。本系统能依照Disector原理对多层组织细胞的电镜及光镜图像中的目标进行正确的分割 ,各层之间图像的人工交互及自动配准。针对每个目标的上下层关系实现目标的Disector自动计数及参数计算 ,并对每个目标进行体数据的提取和三维重建显示。利用该系统可在三维空间对粒子进行无偏差计数 ,同时极大地减少复杂的手工操作。文中同时还给出了用该系统对小白鼠神经细胞个数的Disector分析 ,肾小球个数统计分析和三维重建显示实例。
Subject The computer aided disector analysis software system is designed for automatic analysis of numeral density and volume construction of section image.The system is based on the personal computer.Methods A new stereological technique,the disector technique,is used in the system.Results The system can bring much convenience in calculating numeral density and the 3D display of the object in series of continue tissue sections.In this study,the system is used to determine the numeral density of nerve cell in the adult rats and display the 3D structure of the glomerulus.Coxclusion The result indicate that the methods are more efficient and highly precise.
Chinese Journal of Stereology and Image Analysis