目的 研究视网膜缺血组织的线粒体形状因子参数变化特点规律。方法 给SD大鼠球后注射去甲肾上腺素 ,建造视网膜缺血的动物模型 ,用电镜和图像分析仪等方法 ,对缺血视网膜组织中线粒体的形态因子参数动态改变进行了体视学定量分析。结果 大鼠球后注射去甲肾上腺素后 ,视网膜内节、外网状层及内网状层在缺血状态下 ,线粒体形状因子发生改变 ,并随着时间变化有显著性差异。视网膜内节线粒体形状因子FormPE随着注射后时间的改变而变化最为明显 ,外网状层线粒体形状因子FormPE有一定程度改变 ,内网状层各时间组间线粒体形状因子FormPE有少许改变。呈现缺血→损伤→修复的过程。结论 球后注射去甲肾上腺素后 ,视网膜线粒体形状因子发生缺血性改变 ;缺血视网膜组织不同部位的损伤 ,其线粒体形状因子参数改变不同 ;线粒体对缺血极为敏感 ,反应最为强烈。
Objective:Study the parametric changes and the rules of the mitochondrion shape factor in retina's is chemic tissues. Method:Use SD rat postbulbar injection of noradrenalin to build up the animal model with retinal ischemia and carry out a stereologic quantitative analysis of the parameter's dynamic changes of mitochondrion shape factor in retina's ischemic tissues through electromicroscope technique, image pattern analysis, etc. Result:After taking the postbulbar injection of noradrenalin, and as the internal segment, as well as the external reticular layers, of retina remains ischemic, the mitochondrion shape factor form PE changes and varies significantly in process of time, being most obvious with that in retina's internal segment, only to certain extent in retina's external reticular layer, and just slightly in internal reticular layer, However, an inchemia injury restoration procedure can be seen. Conclusion:After taking postbulbar injection of noradrenalin, ischemic changes take place in retina's mitochondrion shape factor with parameters changing in accordance with injuries in different parts of ischemic retinal tissues. Mitochondrion is quite sensitive to ischemia and has strong reaction.
Chinese Journal of Stereology and Image Analysis