小波包的引入使频域带的划分更加精细 ,更利于观察高频现象。本文在a(a 2 ,a∈Z) 尺度多重双正交小波基的基础上构造了a尺度双正交小波包。它在应用上灵活性很强。按此法可构造多种不同的双正交小波包。如同讨论 2尺度双正交小波包一样 ,着重研究了a尺度双正交小波包的双正交性质并给出了相应的分解关系。
The frequency field can be divided into tinier ones with the emerging of wavelet packets. It can enlarge the appearance of high frequence. A method for the construction of biorthogonal multiwavelets with scale=a is composed according to the studying of biorthogonal multiwavelets with scale=a. They are more flexible in its application. And for the same biorthogonal multywavelet, varied biorthogonal multiwavelet packets can be constructed by using this methed. The biorthogonal character of biorthogonal multiwavelet packets is studied and the formula of their decomposing is composed emphatically like as two scale biorthogonal single wavelet packets.
Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics