本文详细介绍了微通道热沉实验装置的发展状态。建成了一个具有多功能、低不确定度、高精度温度控制的实验装置 ,用于模拟微通道热沉的实际热流状态和分析其热传导特性。最终测试实验借助于HP5 5 2 9A动态校准仪在恒温室中完成。测试结果表明 ,这个装置不仅有高的冷却效果 ,而且能满足微电子机械和纳米技术所需要的高精度温度的要求。
The development of experimental apparatus of microchannel heat sink was described in details. An experimental apparatus with multi functions, low uncertainties, high precision and temperature control was constructed to simulate actual heat flux condition of microchannel heat sink and analyse heat transfer characteristics in microchannels. The final test experiment was finished by HP5529A Dynamic Calibrator in the constant temperature room under temperature control with ultrahigh precision. The test result shows that this experimental apparatus has not only the high cooling flux, but also meets the temperature requirement of high and ultra high precision in micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) and nanotechnology.
Acta Metrologica Sinica