we know that the Bers map β~* is injective for q = 2, or for a group with quotient consisting ofsurfaces of finite type, and then for a finitely generated group. But it is unknown that whether themap β~* is injective for an integer q>2 and an infinitely generated group ([1]). Now we give apartial solution of this problem by proving that for a group with simply connected region ofdiscontinuity the map β~* is injective for any q≥2.
we know that the Bers map β~* is injective for q = 2, or for a group with quotient consisting ofsurfaces of finite type, and then for a finitely generated group. But it is unknown that whether themap β~* is injective for an integer q>2 and an infinitely generated group ([1]). Now we give apartial solution of this problem by proving that for a group with simply connected region ofdiscontinuity the map β~* is injective for any q≥2.