近年来的电生理学研究表明,前额叶(Prefrotal Cortex,PFC)在镇痛和痛觉调制方面具有一定作用,丘脑束旁核(Parafascicular nucleus,N.pf)是目前已确认的痛觉调制中枢。
The effects of PFC stimulation on spontaneous and evoked discharges of neurons of rapafascicular nucleus of thalamus were observed in rats. The results show that after PFC stimulation spontaneous of 78.7% PEN (48/61) and evoked discharges on noxious stimulation of 76.6%PEN (46/60) were decreased; spontaneous discharges of 72%PIN (18/25) were increased; inhibition response on noxious stimulation of 70.80% PIN (17/24) were decreased; and spontaneous disharges of 66.7%CON (6/9) and evoked discharges on noxious stimulation of 55.6% CON (5/9) were decreased. The results suggest that PFC might have analgesia action which was accomplished by modulating electric activities of pain-related neurons of parafascicular nucleus in thalamus.
Acupuncture Research