4James Bonbright, 1961, Principles of Public Utility Rates,New Yor: Columbia University Press.
5A. E. Kahn, 1971. The Economics of Regulation: Principles and Institutions, vol. Ⅱ, New York: Wiley.
6John C. Panzar, 1989, Technological Determinants of Firm and Industry Structure, Edited by R. Schmalensce and R. D.Willig, Handbook of Industrial Organization, Volume 1, Elsevier Science Ltd.
7William J. Baumol, 1977, On the Proper Cost Tests for Natural Monopoly in a Multiproduct Industry, The American Economic Review, Volume 67, Issue 5.
8Stephen Martin, 1998, Industrial Economics: Economic Analysis and Public policy, Macmillan Publishing comparry.
9Stephen Martin, 1998, Industrial Economics: Economic Analysis and Public policy, Macmillan Publishing company.
10W. W. Sharkey, 1982, The Theory of Natural Monopoly, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.