通过对我国华南地区木麻黄主要种植区人工林野外调查 ,收集了我国木麻黄人工林下AM菌资源 15种 ,分别隶属 3个科共 5个属 ,其中有 4种分别为有关土样中的优势种。球囊霉属 9种 ,占已知种类的 6 0 % ,其余无梗囊霉层、巨囊霉层、盾巨囊霉属及硬囊霉属分别仅有 1 2种。木麻黄幼苗的温室接种效果表明 ,AM菌可显著改善木麻黄苗高和地径的生长 ,菌种或菌株间有明显差异 ,其中V95 0 8,V90 0 4 ,V95 0 2、V95 0 7和V95 0 3菌株的接种效果较好 ,苗高比对照增加 4 3 4 8% 84 78% ,地径比对照增加 4 0 0 0 % 73 0 0 %。
The 15 species belonging to 3 families, 5 genera of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi were found in field survey under Casuarina plantations in southern China, of which there were 4 dominant species of AM fungi. In the 15 species, therer were 9 species of Glomus spp. which was 60% in the given total species, and there were 1 or 2 species of Acaullospora spp., Gigaspora spp, Scutellospora spp. and Sclerocytis spp. An inoculating experiment for Casuarina junghuhaniana seedlings was carried out in the glasshouse, with a complete randomized block design at 9 AM fungus and 1 control treatments. The results showed that AM fungi significantly improved seedling growth in height and diameter at 16 months old after inoculating, and there were differences between different AM fungus species or isolates. The isolates V9508, V9004, V9502, V9504, V9507 and V9503 are mor effective, seedlings heights icreased by 43.48% 84.78% and diameters increased by 40.00% 73.00%, compared with non inoculation treatment.
Forest Research
国家自然科学基金项目"木麻黄和桉树共生菌研究"(1990 1992年 )
中国林科院发展基金项目"最佳土壤营养 生物营养 树木基因型联合体研究与筛选"(1993 1995年 )的研究内容