对《金瓶梅》故事进行编年考察 ,是《金瓶梅》研究的一项重要的基础性工作。在目前国内外学者所编制的几种编年专稿中 ,都存在着不同程度的疏误。严格按照《金瓶梅》故事发展的自然流程和相关的时间线索予以重新厘定 。
The vitally basic work of studying Jin Ping Mei is to inspect its chronicle. At present, there are several manuscripts about it, domestically and abroad, but they all have some oversight. It is necessary to make Jin Ping Mei chronicle strictly according to the natural flow of the story and the relevant time-clue.
Journal of Hebei Institute of Architectural Science & Technology(Social Science Edition)