目的 探索简单而有效治疗视力丧失的大泡性角膜病变的方法。方法 对 2 0例大泡性角膜病变进行病因分析后 ,采用角膜上皮下方格划痕术进行治疗。结果 2 0例大泡性角膜病变随访 3月 ,角膜刺激症状解除 ,角膜大泡消失。结论 对物理及机械因素引起的大泡性角膜病变 ,进行角膜上皮下方格划痕术治疗 。
Objective To study simple and effective treatment method for bullous keratopthy result to visual lose.Methods After analyzing the cause of bullous keratopathy of 20 cases,the subepitheliual lattice was used.Results During follow up time of 3 months,corneal stimulation was relieved and corneal bullous was disappeared.Conclusion It is satisfactory of lattice scarification under corneal epithelium to treat bullous keratopathy caused by physical and mechanical factors.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries