烷基酚类化合物是一类污染十分广泛 ,且具有诱发某些肿瘤的环境内分泌干扰物 .应用单细胞凝胶电泳技术 ,研究了烷基酚类化合物对人外周血淋巴细胞DNA的损伤作用 .实验结果表明 ,9种烷基酚类化合物均能引起不同程度的DNA损伤 ,并呈现出剂量效应关系 .其高剂量组与对照组相比 ,均有极显著性差异 (p <0 .0 1) .实验结果亦表明 。
Alkyl hydroxybenzene compounds, a kind of environmental endocrine disruption chemicals, are common contaminants and can induce tumors. The comet assay, also known as the single cell gel electrophoresis or SCGE, was developed by Ostling and Johanson for the direct visualization of DNA damage. It is attractive for many reasons. Apart from the appeal of the images it produces, it is a quick, simple, sensitive, reliable and fairly inexpensive way of measuring DNA damage. But the most pleasing feature is the scope of its applications. It has made its name as a test for genotoxicity. However, it is also an invaluable tool for investigating fundamental aspects of DNA damage and cellular responses to this damage. As we know, the molecular toxicity and genotoxicity of these alkyl hydroxybenzene compunds for lymphocytes in human peripheral blood have not yet been investigated. We have recently used the SCGE technique to detect the DNA damage of lymphocytes in human peripheral blood, which were induced by 9 tested alkyl hydroxybenzene compounds. Based on the results of toxity test, we divided the 9 tested alkyl hrdorxybenzen compounds into two groups (A and B groups). In A group (1,5,20 mg/L),the sequence (from high to low) of tail moment (TM) means was 4-ethylicphenol; 3,2-hydroxyethyl_indole; 0-methylphenol and phenol. At the same time, in B group(025, 1 mg/L), the order(from high to low)of tail moment(TM) means was chlorophenasic acid; nonylphenol; octylphenol 2,3,4-trichlorophenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol. The results showed that all the nine tested substances could induce DNA damage at different levels, and the dose_response relations were obvious. The high dose group and the control group were significantly different ( p <0.01). This study also showed that the degree of DNA damage was partly related to the structure of alkyl hydroxybenzene compounds. As other radicals added, the activity of mutation increased correspondingly. The mutation activity strengthened with the increase of the chlorine atom amount in phenol ring or with the increase of the carbon atom amount in contraposition.
Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Science)
国家自然科学基金 (2 99770 2 0 )