
传统文化:我国预防和控制艾滋病的策略基础 被引量:1

Traditional culture:Basis of China's strategy in prevention and control of AIDS
摘要 自1981年美国首先对艾滋病作出诊断以来,艾滋病以难以遏制之势在全世界蔓延,至今已经没有一个国家或地区得以幸免。然而艾滋病在不同的国家和地区之间却存在着明显的流行差别:西欧和北美有着相似的流行状况,南美比北美疫情严重;非洲,以撒哈拉沙漠为界,南部国家疫情远较北部阿拉伯国家严峻;在亚洲,东南亚和南亚的流行形势比东北亚更令人担忧。从表面上看,出现这种差异似乎与地理、气候、经济发展水平有关,然而就艾滋病的传播特征而言,真正原因则是一个国家或地区的文化历史背景和对传统道德的态度。传统文化对艾滋病流行产生的影响比较泰国和我国的艾滋病流行状况。 Comparison of increase in HIV infection in the first ten years after onset of HIV/AIDS epidemic between Thailand and China has revealed that the rate of HIV/AIDS spreading in Thailand was at least 200 times faster than that in China in the ten years from 1985 to 1995.From the point of view of cultural anthropol- ogy,the cause of this great discrepancy may be attributed to difference in sexual concept between the two coun- tries.After the founding of People's Republic of China,On the basis of traditional high sexual morality,there have been formed new mentalities of sexual morals,such as sense of virginity based on equality between man and woman and rejection of premarital sexual intercourse,sense of chastity based on monogamy and denial of estramarital sexual behaviour,notion of nonmarital sexual activity being against social morals,and notion of prostitution and patronizing a prostitute being vicious behaviours.It is this traditional cultural factor that has slowed the spreading of HIV/AIDS infection in China.Now,the traditional sexual concept is experiencing a shock from the western life style of sex freedom.China will inevitably suffer the calamity of heavy HIV/AIDS epidemic while witnessing the spread of western life style of sex freedom,if we do not regard the traditional culture as a key froce and enormous health resources for preventing HIV/AIDS epidemic,thereby build the strategy of HIV/AIDS control not on strenthening traditional culture,but rather on encouraging the use of con- doms,vaccine and specific drugs in imitation of practice in Western world.
作者 朱琪
出处 《性学》 1998年第2期1-4,共4页
关键词 传统文化 预防 控制 艾滋病 策略 中国 Traditional culture AIDS Strategy Prevention
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