目前已证实,短效复方口服避孕药(OCs)避孕的成功率为99%,其理论及期望年失败率为1%。但近年的资料报道,在全世界6300万使用 OCs 的妇女中,由于宣传教育不力,用药者缺乏正确的服药知识,其实际年失败率为3—20%。而我国尚无有关资料。本文为了探索我国已婚育龄妇女使用 OCs 的实际避孕成功率和失败率(指受孕率)。
Objective:To research the practical effective rate of compouned short-acting estrogen-progestin oral contraceptives (OCs).Method.The conceiving rate of 2276 married women of reproductive age in Beijing Municipality,Shanxi,Jiangsu and Jilin Provinces in China,and the relevant factors of contraceptive effect were investigated.Results:The total length of OCs administration in 2276 users was 8127 years.The mean length of OCs administration for each woman was 3.5 years.There were 265 cases of induced abortion for failure of con- traception during OCs usage period.Hence,the annual failure rate was 3.26 percent (265/8127).Of the 265 conceiving cases 248 failed of contraception because of missing pills,accounting for 93.5 percent.1513 women (66.48%) attended the family planning training class for OCs usage.And 1748 women (76.80%) obtained OCs from family planning workers in city or rural areas.78 women (3.34%) used the pills incorrectly.And ac- cording to the interview results,most of women had never seen the OCs illustration.Conclusion.The practical effective rate of compouned short-acting estrogen-progestin oral contraceptives was 96.74 percent.The annual failure rate was 3.26 percent.3.34 percent of women used the pills incorrectly.Hence,it is imperative to im- prove the instructions in OCs usage for women.