中医兔唇修补术历史悠久 ,且自有特点。通过史书、医书、诗文、方志、国外有关文献对中医兔唇修补术作一较系统的考证和论述 ,报告一些新资料。对国内外发表的中医兔唇修补术史的文章中出现的错误描述加以澄清和纠正 ,并对中。
Hare lip surgery in china has a long history.It has distinguished characteristics of its own.A systematic study of its history has been carried out through consulting and examining various kinds of related historical documents and texts,including general history,medical books,district annals,poetry,literature,works on this subject published in China and abroad,etc.some unreported information is included.Some mistakes on this subject which have appeared in previously published works either in Chinese or in English have been corrected,and some unclear facts have been clarified.A brief comparison between Chinese and Western records of hare lip surgery is also included.
Journal of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine(Social Science Edition)