田间扦插试验表明 :灌木状的狭叶阴香当年生半木质化插条和 1年生木质化不强的插条 ,不经任何药剂处理生根率为 38 0 0 %和 34 6 7% ;用 10 0 0mg/L的萘乙酸和 10 0 0mg/L的吲哚丁酸处理插条后生根率为 75 33%和71 33% ,显著高于对照和其他药剂处理。
A series of experiments were conducted to study the rooting ratio of Cinnamomum heyneanum, which vary with the type of cuttings and the treatment of different root-promoting hormones. The results showed that without pretreatments, the rooting ratios of semi-lignified cuttings of the current year's growth and one year old cuttings were 38.00% and 34.67% respectively. The rooting ratios of one year old lignified cuttings treated with NAA of 1 000 mg/L and IBA of 1 000 mg/L attained 75.33% and 71.33% respectively, which were significantly higher than those treated with other kinds of root-promoting hormones.
Yunnan Forestry Science and Technology