The number of mobile subscribers in China has become No.1in the world and there are still huge commercial opportunities,which caused not only more and more fierce market competition,but also the large num ber of com-plaints about product quality.By now,in Chi na,there is no laws or regula tions for the dis posal of products with de fects in product de sign.The re-call system for defected products im plemented in the world is also suitable for China.This is the re quirement by the rules of the market econo my and also the embodi ment of the honesty of man-ufacturers.Chi na has en tered the world economy,by now,it is neces sary and suitable to set up mobile phone re call sys tem.For manufacturers,once it is found that defected products have been put into the market,it is wise to confirm and recall these products.
World Telecommunications