20 0 1年 12月 11日 ,中国正式成为 WTO成员 ,加入 WTO,标志着我国对外开放进入了一个新的阶段。各行各业都在结合各自实际需要和工作特点 ,认真学习和掌握世界贸易组织基本知识 ,正确分析、理解我国的各项承诺 ,以便紧紧抓住由此带来的发展机遇 ,并准备迎接随之而来的挑战。本文从 WTO的基本知识入手 ,对加入 WTO在我国建筑领域产生的影响和铁路施工企业如何应对等作了简要分析 ,旨在达到宣传和共同探讨的目的。
China became a member of WTO at 11 November, 2001. During acceded into WTO,it was marked that a new stage had been entered for open abroad in our country. Combined with necessities and specialities, different business and enterprises studied and mastered the basic knowledges about the WTO, and understanded the different promises of our country through analyses, in order to seize the developing opportunities and to meet the coming challenges.Based on these basic knowledges, brief analyses are put forward in this paper concerned with the produced influences on the construction scope in China after China′s WTO accession, as well as how to reply for the railway construction enterprises, aimed at to obtain the purposes of propaganda and common exploration.
Journal of Railway Engineering Society