目的:研究不同上部结构材料对种植体固定修复中种植体周骨组织的应力反应特点。方法:建立种植体支持固定桥力学模型,通过三维有限元方法分别计算在采用丙烯酸树脂,釉质瓷,瓷,金合金为上部结构材料时骨组织的应力状况。结果:每种工况下,种植体颈部周围皮质骨区所受的应力都是最大的 ,四种材料比较时使用丙烯酸树脂对种植体颈部骨组织的应力最小,其次为釉质瓷,瓷,最大为金合金。结论:修复材料的弹性模量会影响种植体周骨组织的应力分布,弹性模量低者对种植体颈部周围骨组织有保护作用。
Objective: To study the stress distribution in bone around implants of different prosthesis material for implant-supported fixed bridge. Method: By the 3-dimensional finite element method, the biomechanical models of the implant-supported fixed bridge with acrylic resin, Targis/Vectris, porcelain and gold alloy were established, calculated, analyzed. Result: Stress seemed to be concentrated at the cortical bone around the implants on every model, and acrylic resin produced the lowest stress value, , Targis/Vectris, porcelain did lower , the highest stress was created by gold alloy. Conclusion: The modulus of elasticity of prosthesis materials can influence the stress in bone, the material with lower modulus of elasticity may protect the cortical bone around the neck of implant, and may be Targis/Vectris was the optimal material for dental implant.
Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology