采用大鼠和兔子宫内膜异位模型 ,以亮丙瑞林、达那唑作为阳性对照 ,观察那法瑞林对异位子宫内膜的抑制作用。结果表明那法瑞林皮下注射 0 .5、1.5、5 μg/ kg和鼻腔给药 30、10 0 μg/ kg对异位子宫内膜均有明显抑制作用 ,且具有明显的剂量依赖性。皮下注射产生的抑制作用比鼻腔给药强。那法瑞林对异位子宫内膜的抑制作用较亮丙瑞林、达那唑强 ,相对于亮丙瑞林其对异位子宫内膜抑制效价 ,在大鼠为 5 .4 7∶ 1,在兔为 10 .5∶
The inhibitory effect of domestic nafarelin(Naf) on the growth of endometrial explant was studied, and compared with leuprolide (Leu) and danazol in rat and rabbit model of endometriosis. The results showed that subcutaneous injection of Naf 0.5, 1.5, 5 μg/kg and intranasal administration of Naf 30, 100 μg/kg could produce dose dependent inhibitory effect on the growth of endometrial explant in rats and rabbits. The inhibitory effect was more potent than that of Leu and danazol. The relative potency of inhibitory effect of Naf to Leu on the growth of endometrial explant were 5.47∶1 in rats, and 10.5∶1 in rabbits, respectively.
Chinese Journal of Pharmaceuticals