目的 评价股浅静脉闭塞症的手术治疗。方法 1988年 3月~ 2 0 0 0年 12月 ,采用原位大隐静脉—静脉转流 (Husni’s)手术治疗股浅静脉闭塞症共 8例。结果 6例 (6/8)获得长期随访 ,平均随访 74个月。 2例转流静脉通畅 ,临床症状明显好转或基本消失 ;4例闭塞、肿胀加重但未出现溃疡等严重并发症。结论 Husni’s手术宜慎重且合理地选择病人。Husni’s手术宜选择病程较短、患肢腓肠肌泵功能尚未严重受损的病例 ;压力辅助治疗是十分重要的。
Objective To evaluate the effects of Husni's operation in treatment of femoropopliteal vein occlusion.Method Eight consecutive patients were operated on for femoropopliteal vein occlusion from 1988 to 2000.Results Six patients were followed up, the mean follow-up period was 74 months. Four cases failed as the graft had thrombosed. Conclusions Careful selection of candidates for Husni's procedure is the key-point for satisfactory results. The operation should be performed early before the muscle pump disfunction occurs. Elastic compression of the lower limb may be important.
Journal of Clinical Surgery