近代中国知识分子从传统到现代的思想转型 ,并未重复西欧知识分子以单纯的经济问题和奢侈的文化问题为核心的纯理性的文化批判路径 ,而是始终围绕着以反帝反封建为主线的救亡图存问题 ,以爱国的民族主义情结为依托 ,以政治责任感为动力来研究、探索中国的早期现代化。其现代化思想转型所历经的依附———批判———离异———回归的心理历程 ,影响并规定了中国早期现代化的理论建构、模式及进程。
In modern times,Chinese intellectuals underwent the ideological iransformation from traditional to modern,and this process did not repeat the purely rational path of cultural criticism taken by the western European intellectuals,a path of criticism focussing on purely economic and hopefully cultural problems,but instead,centred on the problems of saving the nation from doom and ensuring its survival through all of which ran the main line of struggling against imperialism and fudalism from beginning to end.In the transformation,Chinese intellectuals,backed by patriotic feelings of nationalist complex and motivated by sense of political duty,made a study and exploration of the early modernization of China.The course this modernization shift in thoughts went through was a psychological one of'attaching to - criticing - divorcing - returning',and affected and defined the theoretical construction,parttern,and course of the early modernization of China.
Journal of Northwest Normal University(Social Sciences)