山人诗人的崛起构成晚明诗坛一个突出的现象 ,在其冲击下 ,明中叶之后诗坛“朝”与“野”的对立终以“诗在布衣”的变化结果告一段落。这一创作主体的变化 ,对明代诗歌的演变走向产生深远影响。本文旨在揭示晚明山人诗人的生存状态、山人诗坛的概貌、山人诗的文学取向与艺术创造 ,展示晚明山人诗在明代诗史的地位与价值。
Recluses and their poetry rose abruptly as a prominent phenomenon in the circles of poets in the late Ming Dynasty,under whose attack the opposition between'the court'and'the commonalty'in the circles of poets after the middle of the Ming Dynasty,finally ended up in the result of change that'poetry has in the main been created by the commoner'.This change in the main body of poetry writing had a far reaching impact on the evolutionary trend of the Ming poems and songs creation.The article is to reveal the circumstances under which the later Ming recluses had been surviving:the general picture of the circles of recluse poets,the literary orientation and artistic creation in the recluse poetry,and demonstrate the value and position of the recluse poems in the poetic history of the late Ming Dynasty.
Journal of Northwest Normal University(Social Sciences)