采用班杜拉的自我效度理论 ,在大量实证调查的基础上 ,考察其与单词记忆的关系 ,为英语词汇教学提供启示。研究表明 ,较之其它认知或情感因素 ,自我效度能对学生的学习动机、目标及结果作出更准确的预测和解释。自我效度强的学生在记忆的规律性。
In the light of Bandura's self efficacy theory, this paper, on the basis of an empirical study, examines its relationship with vocabulary memorization, in an attempt to provide suggestions for the teaching and learning of English vocabulary. The study shows that compared with other cognitive or affective factors, self efficacy gives more accurate predictions and explanations of the students' learning motivations, goals and results. Students of strong self efficacy are obviously more regular and more skilful in memorization, and more scientific in self regulation, than those of weak self efficacy.
Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences)