江泽民最近强调指出 ,必须通过体制创新铲除腐败现象滋生的土壤和条件。这一重要论述为我国当前的反腐败斗争指明了正确的方向。我国政治体制在干部任用、权力监督、法制约束三方面存在的结构性缺陷 ,是腐败现象滋生蔓延的深层次原因。在坚持主权在民、共产党领导、监督制衡、法治原则的前提下 ,以权力体制民主化为目标 ,以权力运行为核心 ,进行政治体制创新 。
Jiang Ze min recently pointed out that we must root out the soil and conditions on which corruption breeds, which shows the correct direction for the current struggle against corruption in China. Our political system has structural defects in the mechanism of appointing cadres, supervising power and legal restricting, which are the deeper causes for breeding corruption. In order to strictly restrain corruption and root it out completely, we must reform our political system, aiming at democratizing power system, focusing power operating, and do it under the principles adhering to the leadership of the Party, of democratizing and supervising power, and governing the country according to law.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University