精英文化与大众文化的相互指责、主导文化与大众文化谁整编谁的斗争 ,实质上是文化形态的优劣问题 ;对其从表象到表象的浅层次指责 ,暴露出以一种文化形态的普遍性排斥另一种文化形态的特殊性、或是以一种文化形态的特殊性排斥另一种文化形态的普遍性的悖谬。只有确定文化形态的划分依据———文化目的 ,才能超越众多文化表征、区分不同形态的本质 ,使比较获得共同的前提 ,批评更具有效性。
The Question of whether a culture form is good or bad is revealed in the reciprocal reproach between intellectual culture and mass culture, and in the conflict between dominant culture and mass culture. A comparative study among the different cultural forms is based on the premise that the purpose of a culture, according to which the different culture forms are defined, has been well determined. Therefrom, we can, through the study of the characteristics of the different cultural forms, have a clear idea of the mixture and changes of them, reveal the root cause of the trans formation of them the trans formations of the economy, and lead the development of culture.
Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)