本课题是一个实践研究课题,通过对新形势下职业教育特点和规律的分析.以职业教育如何 适应经济、社会、人民群众日益提高的要求为核心,从经济社会要求、全面发展要求、现代终身教育 要求、市场经济体制要求、现行法律法规政策要求等角度,确定了宁波职业教育改革和发展的指导 思想、实践策略和措施。经过几年努力,取得了显著的实践成果。
This research is a practical one. Through the analysis of the characters and rules of vocational education un- der new situation, satisfying the requirement of economy, society, wholly development, modern whole-life education and modern laws and regulations, established the direction theory, practica1 strategy and measure for reform and de- ve1opment of vocational education. After several years' hard work. the great achievement has been won.