长期以来 ,妇女一直在情感、意志、个性、才能上遭受到压迫 ,家庭作为社会的细胞正可作为研究女性现实处境的理想场所。美国第一代妇女文学的许多作品正是以此为突破口 ,一改十九世纪初把婚姻作为小说幸福结局的传统模式 ,探讨了女性在婚姻中的困境。
Women have long suffered suppression of sensibility, volition, personality and talent. Families, as basic social cells, can be ideal arenas for the study of women's present situation. Taking family situations as a good starting point, much of American women's literature of the first generation probed into women's predicament in marriage, into the awakening of their self-consciousness and their ever-growing anger, instead of portraying marriage into a happy ending as most writers did in the 19th century.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)