时代和家庭的影响使张天翼在童话创作中形成了独特的幽默特色。二十世纪三十年代的儿童文学作品多是粗制滥造 ,旨在毒害儿童、奴化儿童。张天翼最先正视现实 ,揭露现实 ,重视儿童文学寓教于乐的功能。他运用幽默的笔法、新奇的夸张 ,塑造儿童喜闻乐见的人物形象 ,构思令人捧腹的情节 ,语言描写体现儿童口语特征 ,充满儿童情趣 ,使其童话作品呈现自然天成的幽默特色。同时 ,他把幽默作为锋利的解剖刀 ,借助纵横捭阖的比喻 ,讽刺剖析旧社会的种种弊端 ,作品洋溢着冷峭、睿智的笑 ,笑声中儿童们不知不觉地得到了道德的教育 ,涤尽了心头的尘埃。
The distinctive humor in Zhang Tianyi's fairy tales was mainly owing to the influence of the society and his family shown on him. In 1930's of the 20th century,most fairy tales were nonsense, with the intention to poison and slave children. Zhang Tianyi, however, was the first to face up to the reality and criticised the problems, paying great attention to fairy tales which make children learn something from amusement. On the one hand, he created very interesting characters much loved by children with very funny episodes by humorous writing and novel exaggeration . His works are rich with children's oral talking and children's interests which made his fairy tales a great natural humor.At the same time, with humor as a sharp knife and by using diverse metaphor ,he analysed and satirized this and that evils and maladies of the old society. His works are full of frosty and wise laughters, from which children can get moral education unconsciously so as to get rid of the dust of hearts.
fairy tales by Zhang Tianyi
learn something from amusement