两晋南北朝时期 ,“以悲为美”时代审美情趣和现实际遇 ,为特定文学主题的繁盛注入了生机。自悼与文人感悼英雄志士失意结合 ,成为后世持久绵延的文化心理定势。临终诗则带有被迫性质。 1 这类诗是古人自挽自悼的一种特殊形式 ,主要情感指向偏重于顾恋今生 ,表明一种镇定或超脱、不平和激愤的态度。 2 文学人物的伤感自悼 ,每多带有无法回避死亡的悲剧意味 ,同“乐极生悲”模式结合起来。 3 临终之咏和相关情状描绘 ,多作为突显薄命女子不甘于命运摆布 ,借此进行控诉和抗争。 4 临终留诗具有不甘就死的抗争意味 ;而临终不留什么 ,更表明弃绝一切的否定态度。 5 临终表露出对人生、爱侣的眷恋 ,表现了人物美德及其人性至情。自悼和临终诗文 ,将丧悼文化、悼祭主题同个体对于死亡的情感表现 ,加以结合融汇 ,极大地丰富了个体生命的人生悲剧意识及相关情感心态的呈露方式 。
During the days of Dong and Xi Jins and South and North Dynasties,the tasting sentiment that the sadness was seen as beauty and realism fortune immit vital force for the blooming special literature theme.The mourning oneself combines with the mourning feeling becomes the perdure culture psychlology deciding force of aftertime,The poem that one comes to a close have negative character.1.The poem when one comes to a close is a special form,and it's sensibility pointing lay particular stress on attending to this life,and it indicates a sort of equanimity or overtaking and disaffection or indignant attitude.2.The onself mourning sensibility of the literator have the tragedy odour that it was unable to obviate,and it combines with extreme joy begets sorrow mode.3.The poem that one comes to a close and the drawing of correlation condition are the way that the literator displays the unlucky girls opposing fate.4.On the one hand,the poem of coming to a close have opposing character,and on the other hand,the mode that one have no poem when he comes to a close indicates a negative attitude of override everything.5.One shows attaching to life and loving companion when he comes to a close.And this shows virtue and humanness of human being.Mourning theme blend to sensibility representation when one will be dead very enrich the submit form and correlation sensibility feeling of the life tragedy of individual vital.It develops sensibility exhibition field for the latter literature.
Journal of Teachers College of Shanxi University
mourning culture
grieving oneself poem
life consciousness
coming to close poem