根据重庆市地产市场的实际情况 ,调整基准地价的技术途径有两条 :一是通过市场地价结构分析 ,认识地价结构特点 ,测算地价结构系数 ;二是通过土地收益动态分析 ,认识级差收益变化特点 ,修正级差收益分布模型 ,在专家咨询的基础上 ,提出了 2 0 0
According to the specific conditions of land market in Chongqing,there are two ways in adjusting land base price. One is to get a clear understanding of the characteristic of land price structure,and then measure the coefficient of land base price structure through analyzing land base price in the market. The other is to know how differential land profit changes and revise allocation modle of diffrential land profit through dynamic analysis of land profit. The scheme of land base price has been put forward in 2000 in Chongqing on the base of consultative experts.
Economic Geography