目的 :设计制作静脉回流受阻Legg Perthes病动物模型 ,并对其进行观察评价。方法 :选择健康杂种幼犬2 0只 ,雌雄不拘。采用自身对照方法 ,一侧髋用来实验 ,一侧髋作为对照。应用套针经皮于大转子下方穿入股骨颈中央达股骨头颈部骺板远侧 ,注入lml医用TH胶。于实验不同时期行骨骺骨内压、X线、CT检查 ,组织标本行常规病理检查。结果 :实验制作了影像及组织病理变化类似于人类Legg Perthes病的动物模型。结论 :此模型设计合理 ,制作方法简单 。
Objective:To evaluate an animal model of Legg Perthes disease designated by the authors.Methods:20 healthy Juvenile dogs were selected,regardless of gender,applying self control method,one hip for experiment while another hip served as control,a trocar was punctured into the distal part of epiphyseal plate through the femoral neck percutaneously from the subarea of great trochanter,then lml medical TH adhesive was in jected through the trocar,Intraosseous pressure of the femoral neckwas measured before and after the in jection of TH adhesive.Histopathologic changes,inner pressure of epiphysis,X ray and CT examination was performed respectively during the different period of experiment.Results:The image and histopathologic changes of animal model were similar to that of human beings.Conclusion:The designation of this animal model was reasonable,The method can be simply made and easily to reduplicated.
Orthopedic Journal of China