The nature of resistance of cucumber to P. cubensis was studied with the assay for enzymes. Polyphenol Oxidase(PPO), Peroxidase (PO), Phcnylalanine Ammonia-Lyase(PAL). Results are as follows:
In leaves of resistant cultivars, PPO activity increased by 1.5-1.6 times after infection. Besides, there were two new isoenzyme bands of PPO. In leaves of middle resistant cultivar, PPO activity increased by 1.2 times, and only one new isoenzyme band appeared. In Ieaves of susceptible cultivar, PPO activity increased by 1 time, and no new isoenzyme band appeared.
In leaves of resistant cultivars, PO activity after infection increased by 3 times and two new isoenzyme bands appeared. In leaves of middle resistant cultivar, PO activity also increased by 3 times, and one new isoenzyme band appeared. In leaves of susceptible cultivar, PO activity increased by 2 times, and only one new isoenzyme band appeared.
In leaves of resistant cultivars, PAL activity increased by 0.7-0.8 time after infection. In leaves of middle resistant cultivar,PAL activity increased by 0.4 time. This change of activity was also true for PAL in leaves of susceptible cultivars.
Acta Phytopathologica Sinica