
近距平行跑道隔离运行的尾流安全性评估 被引量:8

On the safety assessment of wake vortex encountering for segregated operations on the closely spaced parallel runways
摘要 平行跑道运行可提高民航机场的起降容量,对该运行模式下的尾流遭遇安全性进行了研究。首先,建立了复飞轨迹和起飞轨迹计算模型;然后,建立了前后飞机的尾流遭遇安全性计算模型,包括强度消散模型、诱导力矩计算模型;之后,基于现行纵向间隔标准确定了最低可接受安全水平指标;最后,设计了尾流遭遇安全性评估流程,并根据所提模型、方法对某机场现行运行模式下的尾流遭遇安全性进行了计算和评估。结果表明,起飞飞机的起飞响应时间、起飞滑跑时间、起飞安全速度、起飞许可发布时机等因素对运行安全均有影响,其中起飞许可发布时机影响最大。 The given paper is devoted to the study of the safety problem of the wake encounter between the missed approach and the takeoff aircraft.As is well known,the closely Spaced Parallel Runways(CSPR)operation helps to enhance the takeoff and landing capacity of the civil aviation airports.Nevertheless,in practical operation,it is necessary to take into account the safety problem of the wake encounter between the missed approach and the takeoff aircraft.To solve this problem,first of all,it is necessary to establish an efficient accounting model for the aircraft missed approach trajectory and the takeoff trajectory.For,it is merely on this basis that it would be possible for us to make clear the real-time position of the aircraft to determine whether it encounters a wake vortex.And,then,it is also necessary to bring about the wake intensity dissipation model as a function of the flight distance based on the initial circulation model and the statistical data so as to work out the change of the wake intensity of the front aircraft in the flight distance.Therefore,in order to identify and determine the impacts of the wake vortex of the front aircraft on the rear aircraft,it is of absolute necessity to build up the induced rolling moment calculation models,which can be expected to provide a basis for the safety assessment of the wakeencounter.Then,based on the current vertical separation criteria,the indicator of the minimum acceptable safety level can be worked out through calculating and analyzing the safety level of60 different types of aircraft.And,finally,the experimental process can be worked out for the safety assessment of the wake encounter under the current operating mode of the closely spaced parallel runways of an airport according to the proposed model,method and safety level.Thus,it can be concluded that the takeoff response time,the takeoff time itself,the takeoff safety speed,and the releasing time of the takeoff permit of the aircraft under way may all have an important impact on CSPR operation safety,of which the releasing time of the takeoff permit can be taken as of the greatest significance.For,as is well known,the farther the landing aircraft from the runway threshold is when the permit is released,the higher the probability of the flight safety after it takes off.
作者 康南 袁婕 胡杨 魏志强 KANG Nan;YUAN Jie;HU Yang;WEI Zhi-qiang(Department of Air traffic,Air Traffic Management Bureau,Beijing 100086,China;College of Air Traffic Management,Civil Aviation University of China,Tianjin 300300,China)
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期378-384,共7页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(U1533116) 中国民航大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目(3122017067) 民航空管科技项目(201704)
关键词 安全工程 尾流间隔 隔离平行运行 尾流遭遇 近距平行跑道 safety assessment wake vortex separation segregated parallel operation wake vortex encounter closely spaced parallel runways
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