
一种可靠的GPSR改进算法在内河航道中的应用研究 被引量:2

Study on Application of Reliable GPSR Routing Algorithm in Inland Waterway
摘要 内河航道船舶之间采用高频、甚高频等方式进行信息交换,存在着干扰严重、成本昂贵等问题,为改善并丰富内河航道的通信模式,将城市交通中应用较为成熟的车载自组网(Vanet)技术引入到航道通信中,建立了可靠的端到端的船舶通信方式。针对传统的Vanet中GPSR(Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing)路由协议相关算法易形成"空洞"、节点传输不可靠的缺点,提出了改进算法GPSR-CH(GPSR for Channel)。该算法通过增加可靠航标节点、改进Hello包结构、预测船舶的运动轨迹等方案大大增强了传输的可靠性。在内河航道模型环境下的仿真结果表明,GPSR-CH比经典的GPSR及其他几种改进算法有更低的分组丢包率和传输时延。 In the past research, the inland navigation ship relies on satellite, high frequency band and very high frequency band radio communication for data transmission .In order to enrich the communication methods , we establish a reliable end-to-end communication for inner river ships .In this paper we introduce the mature Vanet technology in city traffic ad hoc vehicle network . We focused on the GPSR routine protocol algorithms in Vanet .The traditional algorithm is easy to form hole and the transmission nodes are not robust.The proposed algorithm GPSR-CH can improve the reliability by adding navigation indication nodes , im-proved Hello package structure, and prediction of ship motion tracks.Simulation results show that, the proposed algorithm has lower package error rate and lower transmission delays compared with the traditional GPSR algorithm and its variants in inland navi-gation channel environment.
出处 《安庆师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第2期72-76,共5页 Journal of Anqing Teachers College(Natural Science Edition)
基金 安徽省教育厅2016年度高校领军人才引进与培育计划项目(gxfx ZD2016324) 安徽省教育厅省级教学团队(2014jxtd99)
关键词 航道通信 VANET GPSR GPSR-CH 航标节点 channel communication vanet GPSR GPSR-CH beacon node
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