本文研究微课在高校计算机公共课Blending Learning中的应用方法和效果,首先分析Blending Learning和微课在高校计算机公共课中的特点,然后总结高校计算机公共课Blending Learning中微课的设计和应用方法。基于认知负荷理论设计了"微课学习任务单"并且结合动机模型(ARCS)设计了调查问卷,采用行动研究的方法初步在教学班级实践了3种类型微课的应用。实践调查分析了微课在高校计算机公共课Blending Learning中的学习效果,总结了学生对于微课类型和运用的教学环节的偏向,为在高校计算机公共课中使用微课提供了一定的参考,也为进一步研究提供基础。
This paper aims to study the application method and effect of micro class in the Blending Learning of computer public course in university.First, we analyze the characteristics of blending learning and the micro-lecture in the university com-puter public course,then summarize the teaching model of university computer public course blending learning based on micro-lec-ture.We design Micro-lecture task list based on the cognitive load theory and questionnaire based on the John model of the Keller ARCS and apply it into the three types of micro-lecture in teaching classes.Through the practice investigation and analysis of the learning effect of the learning blending of the university computer public course based on the micro-lecture, we summarize the devi-ation of students in the teaching process , which can provide a reference for the use of micro-lecture in the university computer pub-lic course, and provide the basis for further research.
Journal of Anqing Teachers College(Natural Science Edition)